SUPREME COURT CUISINE: Holland Inn Cookbook makes the cut!

In 2016, The Randy J. Holland Delaware Workers’ Compensation American Inn of Court created a community cookbook, for which I had the pleasure of serving as Editor and project coordinator.  The book was titled Supreme Cuisine at the suggestion of (retired) Justice Randy J. Holland.

This endeavor was undertaken in connection with the Holland Inn’s annual altruism requirement, with the objective of raising funds to create a Delaware Chapter of Kids’ Chance.  Kids’ Chance is an organization which raises scholarship money for the children of workers killed or catastrophically injured in the line of employment.  That year, we raised roughly $15,000 toward the education of Delaware’s children. 

Justice Holland, a close personal friend of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, presented her with one of these cookbooks (which boasts 554 recipes) inscribed by the Holland Inn officers.  Her possession of that book remained a source of joy and pride for those of us closely associated with the project. We are told it remained in her kitchen at the time of her passing.  As if that treasure of a memory were not enough,  Supreme Cuisine has made the Bonham’s Auction House listing for RBG’s cookbook collection (of which there are 8 titles). The Bonham Auction site contains a photo of our cookbook, among others, and a description of the book as the creation of Delaware’s Holland Inn of Court.

Supreme Cuisine is believed to be the only community cookbook sponsored by an American Inn of Court.  Not quite . . .but almost as unique as RBG herself.  A limited number of these limited edition cookbooks remain available for sale at $20.00 by contacting me at

Culinarily yours,

Cassandra Roberts


Holiday Potpourri:  The Magic of Motion Day